Throughout this journey, I’ve sought help from many healthcare professionals. Most of them told me nothing was wrong; the problem was that I wasn’t trying hard enough. Their advice included: take this weight-loss pill, eat 1000 calories a day, become a vegetarian, put the treadmill in front of the tv, eat more whole grains, buy a Vitamix and (seriously) get a dog. And, while I did faithfully try many of their suggestions, most didn’t make me magically get healthy or lose weight. In fact, most of their advice didn’t really help at all. Even though they all had initials were the experts, they didn’t help! I had to learn how to help myself.
I mean no disrespect for those experts. In fact, I continue to seek out experts, now more than ever! I’m just much pickier about who I seek out! AND, I’ve decided to be my own expert on me. I research persistently and I think critically. I no longer blindly accept mainstream medical advice. I am my own advocate.
I think you should be your own expert on you, too. Don’t take what I say as truth. Find out what’s true for you! Empower yourself and figure it out.
By the way, I did get that dog.