Excuse #512

Recognize this kid?

He’s mine.

Now, you might think this post will be about how much he can bench or how proud I am of his athletic ability.

You’d be wrong.

You see, we’ve been having a lengthy battle this summer about proper room cleaning.

He has EVERY excuse in the book as to why he can’t get it done. Today’s?

I’m too tall to put my laundry away.


Now granted, he is tall. He’s almost 6′ 8″.

But last time I checked, that wasn’t something that stopped you from being able to put clothes in your dresser.

This excuse has been bundled with plenty of others. It will take too long. I don’t have any room in my closet. It’s just easier to leave them in the basket. My personal favorite? I don’t see any mess.

Well, I see plenty of mess and I see a pattern, too.

A pattern of EXCUSES.


Are you using excuses to fail at your health goals?

Because if you really want change, you have to start with the excuses.

90% of what you’re supposed to do, you already know.

You really don’t have much you need to learn.

The truth is, you just aren’t doing what you already know.

You have to ask yourself, WHY AREN’T I DOING IT???

It’s not enough to want it – you have to do it.

I can help you figure it out.

Ready to start?

Grab my FREE guide: 3 Simple Steps to Change Your Beliefs

It will get you on my email list where you’ll get more FREE help.

As for me, I’m off to guide this strong and pretty (yes, I’m biased) kid into the mature, responsible adult he is supposed to become.

I’m going to help him overcome his excuses.

Translation: I’m going to make sure he gets that room cleaned up!

BTW, he did tell me that I could post this; I didn’t completely sell him out without his knowledge. #posterchild

If you’re a Badger football fan, you can follow his athletic success on Twitter: @wedig_trey. On Wisconsin!

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