The Stench

For the past couple of days, there has been a stench in the mudroom.

I knew what it was.

I’ve smelt it before.

It was teenage boy funk.

This smell has visited my house many times before. I knew exactly what it was.

And, I REFUSED to find it…because once you find it, you must remove it and and that involves touching it.

You don’t want to touch it. Trust me.

I also knew who it came from.

He was sent into the mudroom to investigate (AND TOUCH IT) and of course, he didn’t notice any smell. Or see any problem.

Sure, football clothes were scattered about, but surely it couldn’t be that. (Insert eye roll…)

Seeing as his hearing is somewhat challenged, I texted him. “The smell from the mud room is starting to waft into the main (part of the) house. You will need to get that taken care of first thing.”

Soon, laundry was started! SUCCESS, I thought!

But not quite.

The dead-rodent-in-a-closed-up-summer-car smell remained.

He had no idea what could be causing it.

And then, I saw them.

I couldn’t help myself.

I picked those bad boys up and whipped them into the garage faster than the center can snap a football.

How do you miss the cleats???

Sure, they must have been buried under the clothes, but still!!!


Double UGH!!!

Okay, triple, nasty UGH!!!

Run from the room gagging, UGH!!!

But what do stinky football cleats have to do with a wellness blog dedicated to healthy living?

Here’s the thing. So many times we think the problem is one thing, but it’s actually something else. Something buried deeper.

You need to get to the root cause in order to clean up the funk.

But how do you get to that root cause?

Start with the basics: Mindset, Sleep, Stress, Diet, Movement and Detoxification.

Dial those in first.

And do all of them.

You can’t skip any of them.

If even one of those is “off”, it causes a domino effect of problems with your health.

You might only notice the problem at the end of the chain, but the first domino was the actual cause (i.e. the stinky cleats).

That’s why the basics are so important.

If you want to learn more about those basics, be sure to grab my FREE resource: 3 Simple Steps to Change Your Beliefs. It will get you started on the Mindset foundation.

Your body was designed to work perfectly. All you have to do is help it.

And, of course, wash your hands after you touch stinky things.

That’s important too!

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