***This is the first part of a 3-part email series for my readers. To get the rest of the series,including the 3 FREE tools I am offering, click here: Manage Your Mind Around the Coronavirus.
We are living in unusual times, my friend.
When was the last time you were either quarantined or facing a possible quarantine?
My guess is never.
This circumstance that you are finding yourself in is not of your making and it can lead many of us right to thoughts that feel like they lead right to fear, panic, overwhelm, or denial.
It can cause you to spin so fast that you feel like you lose yourself.
Let me show you how this works.
Being quarantined for the coronavirus is a Circumstance.
Without even thinking, you run this Circumstance through your Belief filter. Your Belief filter is where you apply all the evidence from your past experiences and Thoughts to create a rulebook for yourself on how you believe you should live.
For instance, if you have had a bad experience with a virus in the past, your Belief filter might spit out a thought like, “This is dangerous. I need to protect myself.” But, if your Belief filter has not had a bad experience with a virus in the past, it may spit out a Thought like, “This is all an over-reaction. I am safe and I can and should continue living my life as usual.”
Everyone’s Belief filter is slightly different and this is why we are seeing such a wide variety of Thoughts and reactions to this Circumstance. (BTW, this also explains the core of our political differences, but that’s a whole other topic.)
Your brain doesn’t actively judge your Thought to be right or wrong, good or bad, useful or destructive. It just spits out a Thought and it tries to do it in an amazingly efficient way, so that it can use its energy elsewhere – like for survival. I am a fan of survival…
When you have a Thought, it will create a Feeling.
And we always act based on how we feel. Period.
If you feel scared because you think coronavirus is bad, you’re going to lock yourself up and Google the effects of backyard sunshine on coronavirus. If you feel safe, you’re going to head to the grocery store for that item you forgot you needed for tonight’s dinner.
And this Action is going to give you a Result. A Result is simply a Circumstance that you’ve created for yourself. You’re either going to get pasty from lack of sunshine or you’re going to enjoy a Pasty for dinner. You won’t get both.
Whichever Result you end up with is going to reinforce your Belief filter and restart your Cycle again.
This Cycle happens approximately 70,000 times per day and 99.9% of it happens unintentionally, behind the scenes.
But it doesn’t have to.
You can bring it all to light and change your Beliefs and Thoughts at any time.
You can learn how to manage your mind!
To start learning how, click the button to grab my guide right away:
It walks you through a 3 step system to help you change your beliefs AND gets you the rest of the 3-part series.
With practice, it will start to feel easy and intuitive.
Keep practicing!
There is power in managing your mind!
When you get the guide, you’ll also get 2 more FREE tools (for a total of 3) to help you manage your mind around the coronavirus.