There is a lot of fear out there right now – and quite frankly, much of it is unnecessary.
When I say unnecessary, I don’t mean invalid.
Emotions are always valid.
But some of this fear is unnecessary.
I don’t say this because there is no danger or need for caution. I say this because many of us are over-choosing fear.
And if this is you, I’m going to be straight with you: this isn’t serving you.
I would like to offer you an explanation as to why you may have found yourself in this situation and I would like to offer you a path out.
You won’t find this perspective on mainstream media and you certainly won’t find it on social media. Both of those are in the business of increasing fear. The more you engage with the fear, the more they win.
I want YOU to win.
I want you to have some peace of mind.
Here we go:
On default, your brain is primal and believes whatever you feed it.
No matter what you tell it, your primal brain wants to believe it.
If it hears, “Stay at home to save lives” – then staying at home saves lives.
If it reads, “It’s time for restaurants to reopen” – then it’s time for restaurants to reopen.
Your primal brain doesn’t judge. It just automatically believes whatever you feed it.
The media knows this. They know that the more you hear about how dangerous covid is, the more you will fear it; the more you will need to watch, read and listen to them.
If you’re feeding your brain conflicting thoughts, whatever you feed your brain more of, will “win”.
This is why “feel good” stories will never equal danger stories. The media can’t allow them to “win”.
Be diligent about what you feed your brain and how often you feed it.
Don’t over-consume news.
Don’t feed your brain unnecessary fear.
Your primal brain doesn’t separate facts from thoughts.
When you do take in information, do so critically.
There are facts, and then there are thoughts about those facts.
Every single person must be able to agree with something in order for it to be a fact. If everybody can’t agree, then it is a thought.
Here’s an example:
Fact: According to Google on May 5, 2020, there have been 251,580 deaths from Covid worldwide.
You can’t dispute this fact.
But facts also trigger thoughts.
You might read this and think: A lot of people are dying from Covid worldwide. Covid is deadly.
But some people might see that number and think a completely different thought, such as: That’s nowhere near what we were told. Covid must not be as deadly as we once believed.
I’m not here to tell you which thought is right.
That’s way above my paygrade, so to speak.
Instead, I’m suggesting that it’s important to separate out the facts from the thoughts in both your own mind and in what you’re exposed to.
Other people love to offer up their thoughts as facts (myself included).
It’s the way we are wired.
Learn to discern, then use the facts to consciously choose your thoughts.
This will help you put a layer in between the fear and the facts.
Your primal brain automatically tries to prove to you that what you already believe is true.
Facebook is known for having an algorithm that provides you with a constant stream of “news” that reinforces your position. But, if you think the Facebook algorithm is concerning, you should know that your primal brain is a zillion times worse.
It is not objective; it has an agenda.
You have a part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System (RAS) that is designed specifically for this. It seeks out ONLY the facts with which you already agree upon and blatantly ignores the rest.
It wants to be right.
In fact, it NEEDS to be right.
Because it is responsible for keeping you alive and safe and doing this very efficiently.
How Does Your RAS Work?
Your RAS constantly scans your past and present world for facts and thoughts to prove that you’re right and at the same time, it is actively ignoring what doesn’t fit.
If you believe that adults should get to do what adults want, you just might be referencing your constitutional rights right now (because that has worked out pretty well for us Americans with our Constitution).
But, if you believe that the safety of all should be everyone’s top concern, you’ll find yourself forwarding mask memes on Facebook.
Because that’s what your RAS is telling you to do.
Again, I’m not going to tell you which is right or wrong.
Rather, I’m simply pointing out that we’re rather predictable. We were designed this way.
And because of this, you’re most likely believing the exact same things you believed BEFORE covid even started, just with a slightly different spin and with a different intensity.
Left unchecked, your primal brain will do just about anything not to be wrong.
There’s danger in disagreeing with yourself.
Because when you’re wrong, it causes internal turmoil.
This can be terrifying, dangerous and exhausting.
It could mean that something’s wrong.
It could mean that everything’s wrong.
It could mean that you need a major overhaul.
Your primal brain doesn’t like any of these scenarios.
Imagine you’re in a hot air balloon shooting upward, untethered at rocket speed while you’re trying to blow out the flame while simultaneously trying to make a major life decision.
Of course your brain doesn’t want to do this!!!
Put it into the context of covid and it might sound like this “THE PEOPLE I LOVE AND CARE ABOUT ARE ALL GOING TO DIE FROM COVID AND I’M GOING TO END UP ON A VENTILATOR FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE, TOO, if I don’t….”
It’s not logical, but that never stops your primal brain from trying.
It will even get you into an ugly Facebook fight with a friend from high school from which you won’t back down.
And then, of course, you put the thought on repeat.
And what you practice, you perfect.
THE GOOD NEWS is that you don’t have to feel this way.
Yes, my friend, the dangers of covid are real, but maybe now you can see how you may have traveled to the land of unnecessary fear?
You don’t have to let your primal brain run the show.
You can travel back to safety.
How do I know?
Because along with your primal brain, you also have a prefrontal cortex that can help you take control of your thoughts at any time.
It can help you actively questioning your thoughts and even “try on” new thoughts at any time.
Why aren’t we doing more of this?
Probably because most of us haven’t been fully taught how our brain works.
Here’s a crash course:
- Stop filling your brain with the repeated worries of past programming and be intentional about what you do allow in.
- Separate out the thoughts and the facts. Choose to focus on the facts.
- Be open to exploring new thoughts.
- Take control of those new thoughts and use them to create feelings of peace, calm and safety, rather than worry, doubt and anxiety.
Choose “I am safe right now” instead of “I could get sick from getting groceries”.
Choose “I am healthy right now” over “The death toll just went up…again.”
Choose “I am not in immediate danger” over “I’m probably going to die from this.”
Changing your thoughts doesn’t change the fact that you could get sick at some point.
But it can create feelings of peace, calm and safety for right now.
Which would you rather choose, fear or safety?
Fear or calm?
Fear or peace?
I know would I choose.
This strategy is available to you at any time.
The choice is always made “right now”.
It’s never made in the past and it can never be made in the future.
Ask yourself right now how you want to feel.
You are in control.
You have the power.
So, whether or not the covid counts go up or down, whether or not a vaccine gets manufactured, whether or not your governor springs you and whether or not you decide to stay home for the next 6 months, know that safety, peace and calm, are all made in your mind – because they are completely caused by your thoughts, not your circumstances.
They’re always available to you at any time.
Use your prefrontal cortex.
Use the strategies.
There is no need for unnecessary fear.
Wishing you peace and safety during this tricky time.
P.S. Please know that I am not suggesting that you will continue to have good health if you think positive thoughts and then go and lick subway seats in a hot spot. Be smart and take appropriate precautions. Just don’t live in unnecessary fear.
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