
The Stench

For the past couple of days, there has been a stench in the mudroom. I knew what it was. I’ve smelt it before. It was teenage boy funk. This smell has visited my house many times before. I knew exactly what it was. And, I REFUSED to find it…because once you find it, you must

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And We’re Off!!!

As I write this, we’re in the truck headed to Madison for the first home Badger football game of the season! We’re pretty excited and hoping for a big win, but most of all, it’s really got me thinking. You see, when we watch a big game, in the end, all we want is the

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Excuse #512

Recognize this kid? He’s mine. Now, you might think this post will be about how much he can bench or how proud I am of his athletic ability. You’d be wrong. You see, we’ve been having a lengthy battle this summer about proper room cleaning. He has EVERY excuse in the book as to why

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